A child is new to the educare centre.
He is quite a bit out of his age,
A bird told me that he just lost his mother.
how sad is it.
i cannot imagine how his life is,
without his mum,how is the life that he must live?
Will he crying when there is no one else?
will he missing his mother?
Will he feeling lost?
i'm feeling pity to him, no just because he just lost his mum.
instead he is lonely,
and no one try to teach him differentiating right and wrong.
All those people surrounding him are auntie and uncle.
there is people who smoking, drinking alcohol and even taking drugs.
What a bad environment for a 8 years old child grow.
What will he end up when he is grown up to a men?
someone told me that there are people teaching him how to smoking and drinking alcohol.
how can this be?
this is wrong altitude for a child,
why they (i mean his dad) did not stop him?
why they did not beat him for embracing those habit?
i'm very worried about this child,
haiz, i hope that everything in his life run smoothly.
may all god bless him ...