Chinese New Year is around the corner..
i really looking forward to it. But,i have to go to school this saturday to replaced the class for new year holiday. This is quite tired to be in school on saturday.
Although the C.N.Y drew near, i still can't feel it. This maybe because of i already growing up. Thus, this kind of festival means nothing but just festival. I wonder where to go during this C.N.Y as it quite boring if din't have a plan on this.
You may say we can just go to visit our relatives' house and to take angpau. However, this is very lame. Mat be during this period, i can do some of my revision. ya, it is a good idea.
Chinese New Year really "spentful".we as a chinese need to buy some food like snacks, shrimp, fish, meat and so on to have a unity dinner before the new year. Do you think that chinese new year is important? I think this festival have its boon bane. Why i said so?
1) We have holiday and we can have a rest.
2) we also can make use of this holiday to accompany our family.
3) Children have fun.
4) have new clothes, shoes and angpou.
5) encourage ppl to spend during economic crisis.
1) we have to spend a lot on Chinese New Year.
2) it is a big "bane" to adults.
3) spend time for preparation.
What are your opinion?
anyways, please enjoy your holiday.
happy chinese new year my dear gela!!!
a bo we find one day go to shiling house and play?!
miss u arr! muakk
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