Today i wake up like usual.
In the afternoon, i went to PLAZA GURNEY with my friends, shi ling, wai yean, melody and hui mei. we watched new movie <> in the theater. It is really touching, i cry like a baby.
The story is about a family that have a mother and three brothers. They all were busy in earning money for life. In the film, they used to rush for money but they ignored their mum, the only one. the one who bring them to this world and care about them. When they faced troubles or problems in their life, their mother will help them.
However, they did not even appreciate all the things that her mum did for them. after their mum is sick, they tried to sent her mum to the old folks home as they are frustrated in taking care of their mum.
somehow, her grandanghter was in an accident and in the critical state and also needed a lot of O minus blood. On the same time, the grandmother also need to undergo an opperation and also needed a large amount of O minus blood but the hospital was lacking of O minus blood.
The grandaughter's mother want the blood for her own daughter. She said :" mother already very old and i is no use to safe her life but her daughter is young. thus, the three brothers quarreling about" who to safe". while they are quarrelling, their mum was very upset and decided to sacrifie herself for her own grandaughter's life.
I t is so touched. I realise that all mother are all the same, they willing to sacrifie herself for her own family. But all of their sacrifies are mean for nothing! We have to appreciate our mum and dad.
This movie is worth to spending time on it! enjoy the movie!